Wednesday, March 9, 2016

*Grumpy noises*

Does anyone else get anxious when writing a really good story? I am, compared to many of my fellow writing friends, a very slow writer. On a very good day I can get out about one thousand words, but that would be a very good day and many hours worth of writing. Sometimes it feels like there is a great story inside of me that's very upset that I can only write a few pages a day! Most days I can't even complete one scene, and it gets so frustrating that I just want to pull my hair out. There are so many things I want to write about right now but I can't even finish one!

Basically shit is about to go down in my next chapter but I have to finish writing a scene that has taken me three days to complete :(

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Word Count Thoughts

I'm about 5-8 thousand words into writing this book and I am still excited about it. Shocking. The longest story I have ever written has only been about 17,000 words, and that was like bleeding myself dry. But these days several thousand words doesn't seem like Mt. Everest, and I think I can coax myself along to something closer to 50,000 as long as I don't hate the story. It's very hard not to hate my stories. I don't know if it's self doubt, or the natural reaction to working on the same project for several months, but I know it's probably my greatest weak point at this time. It's mostly why I switched from working on my longest unfinished work (at about 30k word count at the moment) to my current book. I couldn't believe that what I was writing wasn't garbage.

I have been on a good, long writing spree these last few weeks, so I have hope that I can keep up the momentum.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

First Post Ever: A Prime Example of Procrastination

I believe it is time to actually start using this blog. I made it back in 2015 when I had just moved to Montana and thought I might need a place to talk about all the writing I planned on doing.What an exciting idea. This is the year I plan to actually finish a book, in fact, I would love to finish three rough drafts of completely different books.

The first book is about gods.

The second is about ghosts.

The final book is about a future in which computers have surpassed us in intelligence and, perhaps, morality.

The one thing all of my books have in common are people. I am actually very, very bad at writing people. Inventing a whole human being seems impossible to me at times. I can barely figure out how I feel about things most of the time, much less what a whole cast of people feel! I know I will have to work on this, and if I come up with any good character development ideas and/or lists I will be sure to share them.

I hope someone will be as excited as I am about these books someday.